Hello, I´m Maja. An art director student based in Stockholm. 
Growing up in a small town called Växjö, I’ve always strived to see the bigger picture in things. This mindset have brought me inspiration and joy in all kinds of visual expressions and creative challenges. Although the visual world often speaks to me through special and odd-looking things, what really inspires me is people. Anyone, anywhere. I really hope you find something you like in my portfolio, and don’t hesitate to contact me about whatever!​​

Berghs School of Communication, Art Director/Copywriter, 2021–2023
Berghs School of Communication, Graphic design, feb-may 2020
Procivitas Privata gymnasium, Economy, 2015-2018

Forsman & Bodenfors, Creative Intern, november-december 2022
Åkestam Holst, Creative Intern, may-june 2022

+46 (7)08890238